Home » » Indonesia Tender : Deadline 13 Feb 2013

Indonesia Tender : Deadline 13 Feb 2013

Indonesia Tender
Inabuy.com - Indonesia Tender : Deadline 13 Feb 2013. If you are looking for indonesia tender with long deadline maybe it will be your choice. It is dci specialised equipment for eu indonesia trade support programme ii tender. Following is the detail about indonesia tender what I mean...!

dci specialised equipment for eu indonesia trade support programme ii tender
Tender Description dci specialised equipment for eu indonesia trade support programme ii
Tender Issuing Authority
Tender Category Other
Deadline 13 Feb 2013
Country indonesia
Our Reference Number 507917120313-0

If you still need information about Indonesia tender, just ask to us by commenting below in this blog.
Read also "How about Inalum Tender?"

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